Reachers! Adventure Sailing
This four full day long sailing session (July 2&3 Jul 5&6) has a different goal and flavor than any of our other sessions this summer. For attendees at this session it’s not so much about learning to sail, but rather it’s about destinations and having fun in sailboats and while learning about the science and technology that propels and supports the very act of sailing.
The course will feature:
High Performance Excitement: catamarans, hiking, harnesses, Windsurfing
Fun with Spinnakers!
Sail our new Melges 24 (high performance sport boat)
Sail our catamarans!
An adventure cruise in our 420's West Grand Traverse Bay
Lessons about the science behind sail trim, navigation and the ecology of the lakes we sail on (as well as the importance of preserving that precious environment).
Students in this class should have attended a previous learn to sail class as we will assume the student has some (at least rudimentary) sailing skills. This class will be separated into two groups: 8-10 and 11 & up for age appropriate lessons and experiences.

Reachers - Adventure Sailing (4 Full Days)
June 29 - Jul 2
4 Full Days $295