2024 Board of Directors
President - Tom Roop
Vice President Operations- Vacant, Applicants being sought
Treasurer - Mike Wills
Vice President Program - Kristina Weidenfeller
Vice President Special Programs - Jenny McCain
Vice President Fleet/Facilities - Tom Lechota
Vice President Grants & Donations - Vacant, Seeking Applicants
Vice President Marketing -Kim Bails
Vice President Fundraising - Vacant, Seeking Applications
Vice President Technology - Vacant, Seeking Applications
Vice President Advisory Board - Tim Clulo
Administrator - Anne Schneider 231-922-5922 ext 6
Sailing Director - Ben Ferris
HS Sailing Coach - Stephanie Stearman
Maintenance Director - Sean Dye
Adaptive Sailing - Lauren Saldanha
Committee Members
Committee Chair - Vacant, Applicants being sought
Strategic Planning - Jim Menzies
Legal - Tim Clulo
Insurance - Chris Branson
Safety Emergency Plan - Chris Branson
Committee Chair - Kristina Weidenfeller
Special Programs - Jenny McCain
Instructors - Ben Ferris (Summer), Jennifer McCain (Adult & Big Boat)
Racing - Stephanie Stearman
High School Racing - Ben Ferris
High School Boosters - Kristina Weidenfeller
Regattas - Volunteer Opportunity Available
GTYC Liaison - Volunteer Opportunity Available
Open Sailing - Volunteer Opportunity Available
Adaptive Sailing - Lauren Saldanha
Fleet / Facilities
Committee Chair - Tom Lechota
Fleet - Volunteer Opportunity Available
Purchases / Sales / Donations - Sean Dye
Maintenance - Sean Dye
Committee Chair - Kimberly Bails
Website - Kimberly Bails
Social Media - Kimberly Bails
Public Relations / Writing - Volunteer Opportunity Available
Internal - Ben Ferris
Volunteer Network - Volunteer Opportunity Available
Schools - Volunteer Opportunity Available
Fundraising Resources
Volunteer Opportunity Available for the following positions:
Committee Chair
Grant writing
Annual Fundraiser
Endowment Funding
Donor Recognition